Intact forests - the big picture
Financing models for high integrity forests
Forests with high ecological integrity are an indispensable nature-based solution to the climate and biodiversity crises, yet they continue to decline rapidly, and are often ineligible for carbon and market finance. At the Oslo Tropical Forest Forum, WCS hosted a session to advance common understanding of effective actions and incentives for conserving forests with high integrity.
The World’s Last Intact Forests are Becoming Increasingly Fragmented
The exceptional value of intact forest ecosystems
Watson et al. 2018
The thinning fabric of the Earth’s forest cover
Tom Evans (WCS) for Mongabay
Editorial: Intact Forests
Evans et al. 2021
Intact forests – securing a bounty the world cannot afford to lose
Tom Evans (WCS) and Rod Taylor (WRI) for the Environmental Funders Network
The crucial importance of conserving intact forests
Mapping forest integrity
The Emerging Threat of Extractives Sector to Intact Forest Landscapes
Grantham et al. 2021
Only a third of the tropical rainforest remains intact
Rainforest Foundation Norway
Anthropogenic modification of forests means only 40% of remaining forests have high ecosystem integrity
Grantham et al. 2020
Why Preserving Forest Integrity Is As Vital As Preventing Deforestation
World Resources Insititute
Only 40% of world’s forests have high ecological integrity, a new index reveals
Intact forests and climate change
Forests Absorb Twice As Much Carbon As They Emit Each Year
Degradation and forgone removals increase the carbon impact of intact forest loss by 626%
Maxwell et al. 2019
Securing the climate benefits of stable forests
Funk et al. 2019
In the Fight Against Climate Change, Not All Forests Are Equal
NY Times
Climate emissions from tropical forest damage 'underestimated by a factor of six'
The Guardian
The sink and the safeguard: Benefits of protecting and restoring intact forests for people and planet
Lauren Oakes for Mongabay
Greta and Mesoamerica’s Five Great Forests
Jeremy Radachowsky and Chris Jordan for Mongabay
Priorities for embedding ecological integrity
in climate adaptation policy and practice
Elsen et al., One Earth
Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities
Importance of Indigenous Peoples’ lands for the conservation of Intact Forest Landscapes
Fa et al. 2020
Unleashing the potential in Indigenous forest management
Rainforest Foundation Norway
Intact boreal forests and peatlands
Protecting Northern Peatlands: A vital cost-effective approach to curbing Canada’s climate impact
Smart Prosperity Institute
Northern Peatlands in Canada
WCS Story Map
New framework identifies climate change “refugia” in boreal forest
Diana Stralberg, Hilary Cooke and Fiona Schmiegelow for Canadian Geographic
Hasty development of Ontario’s Ring of Fire could have devastating impacts
Justina Ray for the Toronto Star